STDUIO Talent Powerhouse Application Form

STDUIO Talent Powerhouse Application is opened for Influencers, Key Opinion Leaders (KOL), photographers, videographers, students and uprising talents. All applications submitted are pending approval from STDUIO. All applicants are required to go through the 3-Step Verification process before approval. 

*All fields are required.

  • Basic Profile

  • Minimum length of 8 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Medium
    Strength indicator
  • Contact Info

  • Required phone number format: +60########
    Please provide valid WhatsApp phone number. STDUIO use WhatsApp as a communication tool with all Talents.
  • About Yourself

  • List down the skills and talents that you have.
  • Describe who you are and your background
  • Social Networks

  • Your Facebook Page or Profile link or any other relevant social network profiles that represent your talents.
  • Your Instagram Profile link or any other relevant social network profiles that represent your talents.
  • Your YouTube Channel link or TikTok profile link or any other relevant social network profiles that represent your talents.
  • Business or personal websites that represents your talents or skills.
  • Estimation of total numbers of subscribers or followers of all the social networks you own. Enter digits value only.